Jan 31 2019
Album of the Day: “You Have Options” by Houle, Hawkins and Eisenstadt
Artist: François Houle, Alexander Hawkins and Harris Eisenstadt
Album: You Have Options
Label: Songlines Recordings
Style: Ghost of jazz past
Favorite Track: “The Pitts”
Music from: Vancouver, Canada & Oxford, UK & Brooklyn, NY.
What I like about it: I like that this music has a tone that borders on haunting, and how its drifting presence gives it an ethereal feel. I like that way it echoes a more traditional sound of a bygone jazz era as the trio channels the music into something that is very present day. I like how a melodic perspective remains intact no matter how determinedly the trio pulls things apart into a mere resemblance of its first volley of notes. I like how the music possesses an innate peacefulness, even though the music becomes unsettled and agitated.
Your album personnel: François Houle (clarinet), Alexander Hawkins (piano) and Harris Eisenstadt (drums).
Available at: Amazon
Be sure to check out the artist’s site.
Feb 1 2019
Album of the Day: “BEAK” by Jordan Glenn
Artist: Jordan Glenn
Album: Beak
Label: Geomancy Records
Style: Avant-groove
Favorite Track: “Coda 2 – This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things”
Music from: Oakland, CA.
What I like about it: I like how catchy melodic fragments disappear into a fog of dissonance and electronic chaos, and how sometimes that chaos is synthesized down to murmurs and slight agitations of motion. I like how much fun this recording is, and how that holds true even when the music intrigues me to the precipice of deep contemplation. Any album with a tuneful persona but so massively wild that it makes me think what the hell is this even the first time I hear it is going to get a write-up.
Your album personnel: Jordan Glenn (conductor), Karl A.D. Evangelista (guitar), Will Northlich-Redmond (guitar, kalimba), Mark Clifford (vibraphone, marimba), Max Judelson (acoustic bass), Robert Woods-LaDue (percussion), Robert Lopez (percussion) and Geneva Harrison (drums).
Available at: Bandcamp
Listen to more of the album on the artist’s Bandcamp page.
Be sure to check out the artist’s site.
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By davesumner • Jazz Recommendations, Jazz Recommendations - 2018 • 0 • Tags: Geomancy Records, Jordan Glenn, Karl Evangelista, Mark Clifford, Oakland (CA)