Jul 11 2019
Now up: June’s Best Jazz on Bandcamp recommendations
And here we go. Brace yourselves, music listeners, because my latest Best Jazz on Bandcamp recommendations just posted on The Bandcamp Daily. The newest monthly installment covers albums for June 2019. There’s ten primary recommendations in total, plus some bonus recommendations, to boot. There’s been no let-up on the deluge of new music in 2019, so if you were thinking about maybe settling into a prior month’s purchases, forget about it… you’ve got more excellent new music to discover. On that note, let’s begin.
Follow this LINK to read those recommendations and listen to music from each album.
And check out past recommendations by running through the archives.
Have fun going through the list!
Jan 27 2020
Best of 2019 #31: Fabian Almazan Trio – “This Land Abounds With Life”
When writing about this album for The Bandcamp Daily, I reference both John Zorn’s Alhambra Love Trio and Marcin Wasilewski Trio’s January as two bird-of-a-feather recordings to This Land Abounds With Life. On his 2019 release, Fabian Almazan crafts a series of immaculate tunes. Viewed individually, there isn’t a single track on this album that isn’t pure gold was how I originally phrased it in my original write-up, and I see no reason not to include that statement in my year-end wrap-up. It’s not just the finely crafted melodies or the rhythms that flow out like riveting conversation, but in how the pianist expands on the best qualities of each, making each piece resonate as something larger than it is when viewed in isolation. And, of even greater import is how this carries over from piece to piece, as if each composition is having an undercurrent of dialog with each other piece throughout the duration of the recording. It’s the equivalent of an architectural marvel providing a glimpse of the intricate skeleton of infrastructure that lies behind the ornamentation, illustrating how many types of beauty contribute to the beauty of the whole. Almazan is doing some special stuff with his Biophilia Records label, and it’s so much more than just a vehicle to feature his own music. Be that as it may, it’s a welcome opportunity to be able to shine the spotlight on one of his own gems on the Best of 2019.
Your album personnel: Fabian Almazan (piano, percussion, electronics), Linda May Han Oh (acoustic & electric basses), Henry Cole (drums), and guests: Megan Gould (violin), Monica Davis (violin), Karen Waltuch (viola) and Eleanor Norton (cello).
Released on Biophilia Records.
Music from New York City.
I wrote about this album for The Bandcamp Daily.
Listen | Read more | Available at: Bandcamp – Amazon
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By davesumner • Recap: Best of 2019 • 0 • Tags: Best Jazz of 2019, Biophilia Records, Fabian Almazan, New York City