I can’t stop listening to this EP from Libertad’s Ernesto


Somsoc sounds like it’s perpetually phasing between expressions.  There’s some surf guitar action and some fierce metal stomping, a cheerful bounce of indie-rock that segues from an equally cheerful folk, a hazy psychedelic space-jazz and a twitchy soul-jazz that shakes and shivers and sighs, and it all kind of flows in a haphazard fashion that lends it plenty of charm.

Ernesto is comprised of three string instruments and drums, and while the melodic implications ultimately manifest in a breathless display of melodicism, it’s the groove that reflects the album’s strength as well as the primary source of Somsoc’s fun.

Anyways, I just wanted to give this album a quick shout-out.  I’m certain it flew under the radar.  Hopefully this helps a bit.  Three bucks gets you three tracks and thirteen minutes of cool music.

Your album personnel:  Matías Giménez (guitar), Ismael Barbé (drums), José Romero Ottonello (bass, cello) and Mario Roldós (violin).

The album is Self-Produced.

Music from Libertad, Uruguay.

Listen to more of the album at the artist’s Bandcamp page.

Available at:  Bandcamp