Jun 4 2019
Now up: May’s Best Jazz on Bandcamp recommendations
And here we go. Brace yourselves, music listeners, because my latest Best Jazz on Bandcamp recommendations just posted on The Bandcamp Daily. The newest monthly installment covers albums for May 2019. There’s eleven recommendations in total, plus some bonus recommendations, to boot. There’s been no let-up on the deluge of new music in 2019, so if you were thinking about maybe settling into a prior month’s purchases, forget about it… you’ve got more excellent new music to discover. On that note, let’s begin.
Follow this LINK to read those recommendations and listen to music from each album.
And check out past recommendations by running through the archives.
Have fun going through the list!
Jan 18 2020
Best of 2019 #67: Naomi Moon Siegel – “Live at Earshot”
The impression given by Naomi Moon Siegel is that she is serenading the constellations. There’s an imagery inherent to her music that is greater than the calculus of the notes, much in the same way a certain collection of stars become so much meaningful in the context of their astronomical shape and name and story. There is also a languorous nature to the trombonist’s music that radiates a sense of moonlight, of crickets on a dark evening, of dreams when sleep finally comes but not yet, not yet. It’s a quality the trombonist exhibited as a vital part of the Seattle scene, and it’s a trait that has only grown stronger since her move to Montana. This excellent live session at the Seattle festival Earshot captures it all and more.
Your album personnel: Naomi Moon Siegel (trombone), Sean Woolstenhulme (guitar), Eric Eagle (drums), Wayne Horvitz (piano), Geoff Harper (bass) and Thione Diop (percussion).
Released on Slow & Steady Records.
Music from Missoula, Montana.
I wrote about this album for The Bandcamp Daily.
Listen | Read more | Available at: Bandcamp | Amazon
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By davesumner • Recap: Best of 2019 • 0 • Tags: Best Jazz of 2019, Missoula (Montana), Naomi Moon Siegel, Slow and Steady Records, Trombone, Wayne Horvitz