Best of 2019 #21: RaaDie – “Vast Potential”


No album in 2019 displayed the immense power of a simple melody more than the RaaDie duo of trumpeter Lorenz Raab and e-zitherist Christof DienzVast Potential is a gem of minimalism, of sympatico intimacy, and an illustration how a transportive experience is just a matter of the succession of a few well-placed notes.  It’s like casting a spell, and it’s not unlike a mesmerizing effect this lovely recording elicits.  Every year, there are a handful of albums that are staggeringly beautiful, and that is what defines the recording and encapsulates its description.  For albums such as these, of which Vast Potential is one, there is not much more to say than this is one of the most beautiful things you could wish to hear.  And that’s it.

Your album personnel:  Lorenz Raab (trumpet, effects) and Christof Dienz (e-zither, effects).

Released on Traumton Records.

Music from Vienna, Austria.

I wrote about this album for The Bandcamp Daily.

Listen | Read more | Available at:  BandcampAmazon