Recommended: Vera, Genovese, Lecaros – “Mitos del Sur”


There is something positively magnetic about this awkward and energetic set from the trio of Nicolás Vera, Leo Genovese and Félix Lecaros.  The melodies of Mitos del Sur are gawky, as if they’re learning how to walk by learning first how to run.  And the tempos take abrupt turns and odd bursts of acceleration and sudden stops.  Vera’s guitar makes good use of electronic effects.  No matter whether Leo Genovese is on piano or keyboards, his contribution is equally haunting and humorous.  On drums, Félix Lecaros is the closest thing to normal on this hyperactive recording.  His conversational style forms a tight bond with his trio mates even when their untamed nature rages out of control.

So, what’s this music like?  Well, “Luz Mala” begins as a flickering candle flame before setting fire to the curtains and enveloping the entire room.  “Nuevas Dimensiones” is the sound of a melody burrowing underground, occasionally bursting through the surface to check its location before diving back under.  “Silent Poets” are delirium tremens composed for rhythmic convulsions.  You get the idea.

All kinds of personality to this one, and all of it is seriously fun.

Your album personnel:  Nicolás Vera (guitar), Leo Genovese (piano, keyboards) and Félix Lecaros (drums).

Released on Aconcagua Records.

Listen to more of the album on the artist’s Bandcamp page.

Music from Santiago, Chile.

Buy:  Bandcamp | Amazon | eMusic