These are videos that I like: Camila Meza and “Waltz No 1”


Some musicians just aren’t easy to cover.  Some immeasurable synergy of distinctive sound, personal aesthetics, and singular gravitas makes it nearly an insurmountable task at honoring an original song by these musicians while simultaneously making the song anew.  Elliot Smith was one such musician.  Not unlike his predecessor and equally depressive songster Nick Drake, Smith brought a tunefulness to a state of sadness like being able to whistle the melody to your own funeral’s soundtrack.

Camila Meza is a ridiculous talent, as vocalist and as composer-arranger, and that she is able to create an inspired rendition of Eliot Smith’s “Waltz No 1,” with her Nectar Orchestra no less, is Exhibit A for proof of that talent.  Here’s the official video of that song, which appears on her 2019 release Ámbar.

You will be reading more about Ámbar in the upcoming Best of 2019 reveal.

In the meantime, if you can’t wait to buy the album so that you can hear the whole thing, Amazon is waiting for you.  I wouldn’t blame you.  It’s a gorgeous recording.  You should go buy it right now.